Wednesday, October 11, 2023

PLEASE, PLEASE Be sure your check your child's binder AND Take Home Folder!!!


Language Arts

Study your WORD STUDY words. Yellow sheet. Test Thursday, October 12( date change due to meeting)

We are studying Long A and Short A sounds along with Long and Short E sounds.

Remember....studying "easy" or "hard" words does not make you a good speller. It's sounds and patterns plus Greek and Latin ( taught in 7/8) that helps make you a good speller.


3rd graders should try and read 20 minutes a night

4th graders should try and read 30 minutes a night.

Be sure to have your child read aloud to YOU at least twice a week. A paragraph from the book they are reading is a good way to check fluency. Make sure they are pausing at the commas and stopping at each period. 

4th Grade Mathematics

Homework is none until Thursday.

Please watch the video from the district regarding Unit 2 4th grade math. Click on the link below.

  Unit 2 Family Video


No Homework

Social Studies


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